Monday, January 31, 2011

Sunlight in Winter

There is a muscular energy in sunlight corresponding to the spiritual energy of wind. ~Annie Dillard

One of the major reasons we moved to the Southwest was to escape the gloomy, cold winters back East.  Generally our weather is mild in winter and we get many more days of sunshine than we experienced in the East.  Even on days like today, which has been cloudy with a few brief rain showers, we still have glorious bursts of sunlight.

I derive a tremendous amount of energy from the sun here. I love to observe it streaming in the front windows in the early morning and watch its progress throughout the day as it beams in one window after another.  My favorite time, however, is about an hour before sunset when it pours in our back patio doors and makes pools of light and shadow on the walls and floors.We do get fierce winds, too, but the sunlight makes up for it, in my opinion.

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