Saturday, January 15, 2011

Random Thoughts on a Saturday Night

So much of life, it seems to me, is determined by pure randomness.  ~Sidney Poitier

Maybe it's laziness or maybe it's just an inability to focus tonight, but  all my thoughts about what to post are flitting around in my mind like a hummingbird going from one flower to another in the garden. Not being able to come up with a coherent topic, I have decided to list some of my random thoughts.  Not exactly stream of consciousness, but pretty close.  Here goes:
  • Wathching NFL playoff games on TV with my family is a very enjoyable way to spend a Saturday.
  • Meals cooked in a crock pot taste delicious and are almost effortless.
  • Waiting for an amaryllis to bloom is rather like waiting for a baby to be born.
  • Yahtzee is a boring game requiring little skill.
  • If you play Yahtzee with someone you love it can be a lot of fun.
  • Why do so many retired people move far away from their families and then spend half of their time going to visit them?
  • Wearing socks to bed in the winter helps me get to sleep faster.
  • Having chocolate candy in the house is not a good idea when you are trying to eat more healthfully.
  • Grandchildren are one of the joys of getting older.
  • There will never be enough time to read all the books I want to read.
  • There will never be enough time to knit and crochet all the things I want to knit and crochet.
  • Knowing that there are still books I haven't read and things I haven't knit or crocheted makes waking up every morning a wonderful adventure!

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