Saturday, January 08, 2011


"The creative habit is like a drug. The particular obsession changes, but the excitement, the thrill of your creation lasts. " ~Henry Moore

Was it only two days ago that I was trying to follow the advice of Euripides to finish what I started before beginning something new?  I have made good progress on the afghan begun in 2008, but I certainly haven't finished it.  And yet today I joined two new groups on Ravelry in order to participate in their ongoing projects.  One group is knitting a shawl from scrap yarn and the other is making a different Christmas decoration every month through December of this year. As I was gathering yarn and needles and hooks and patterns to begin making the shawl and a Christmas gnome, my husband inquired why I didn't finish the things I had already begun before starting on these new projects.  That would be much more efficient he observed.  He just doesn't understand the excitement of beginning a new creative project. When the obsession to create overtakes me, I am helpless. I certainly am glad I didn't make any resolutions this year about controlling my knit and crochet addiction.  Now, I have to get back to that sweet little gnome.  He needs some eyes and a beard.  Pictures tomorrow--no time tonight. 

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