Friday, January 28, 2011

Another Cuppa and Some More Crochet

Throw out those crumpled receipts, old card catalog cards, and ripped up parking tickets and get yourself some real bookmarks. ~Robin K. Blum
One of the book clubs I belong to will be meeting at my home in February for a discussion of Running in the Family by Michael Ondaatje.  I wanted to make a little  something for the members as a token of my appreciation for them.  They are a wonderful group and I look forward to our monthly discussions with great anticipation. 
I came up with the idea of making each of them a bookmark and since it is the month of Valentine's Day I found a pattern for a little heart bookmark.  It is quick to crochet and I made four while sipping some Earl Grey tea.   
Little Heart Bookmarks
Sipping tea and crocheting is becoming quite a pleasant habit with me.  Now what tea shall I sip as I make four more bookmarks for my friends?  Vanilla/Cinnamon, Orange Spice, or Winter Mint?  

1 comment:

Killiecrankie Farm said...

Your little hearts had worked a treat !

The beads on the end have really finished them off.

(looks like you need a few bookmarks there !)