Wednesday, June 14, 2006

The countdown continues. . .

It's now 4 days of actual work left, even though the "real" retirement date is July 1, 2006. We had a luncheon today at school and all the retirees were honored by having a colleague speak about them. We then had the opportunity to say a few words ourselves. I had originally hoped to be spared this ordeal, but it was gratifying in the end. Let's face it, most of us enjoy hearing good things about ourselves and I am no exception.

Students are the people I'll miss the most from my work. Today, I got hugs, presents, cards, and notes on the board all wishing me a great summer and good luck in my new life. I really want to keep in touch with as many of them as I can. They have enriched my life for almost 20 years and I don't think I can let go of that cold turkey.

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