Friday, January 04, 2008

When I Can't Sleep

Every woman I know has told me that she frequently has trouble sleeping--much more often it seems than the men I know do. It used to be that I would lay in my bed, tossing and turning, and getting wider and wider awake when I was experiencing one of these manic times. However, now I get up and go into my craft room (also the computer room and a guest bedroom, in case the thoughts of a room dedicated to crafting makes you jealous) and pick up the needles or a crochet hook. Below is a little poem I wrote to express how comforting this practice has become for me:

Knit Therapy

The rhythmic click of the needles quiets the strident voices in my mind;

The soft feel of the fibers slipping through my fingers calms my jangled nerves;

The yarn’s vibrant colors refresh my jaded senses like rain in summer;

The slowly growing object on my needles gives my life a new purpose.

I am really trying to let go of the hectic habits that the working world created in me and become a calmer more relaxed person in my retirement. Knitting and crocheting are helping me to accomplish this goal.

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