Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Mission Statement Needed?

I've been reading some online articles about why individuals blog, as well as why they stop blogging.  I have come to the conclusion that at least one of the reasons that I have started and stopped blogging several times is because I have had no clear purpose in mind.  Perhaps I need to come up with a mission statement. Maybe I need more than one blog.  I may have been trying to incorporate too many threads in one blog.  I have a number of diverse interests--family, travel, cooking/baking, knitting and crochet, nature--and these may not work in one blog.  In addition, I think I need to decide if the blog is just for my benefit or if I would like to attract other readers and engage in an online community sharing of interests or thoughts and ideas.  I can see I have a lot of thinking to do before I resolve this issue.

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