Sunday, July 09, 2006

One Down and ??? to Go

Ray, the carpenter, and son finished putting in a new front porch beam around 3:30 pm yesterday. It was a job well-done. We think it looks beautiful and are really, really pleased. The differences in yesterday's views and today's are remarkable. All it needs is paint and that is scheduled for the end of this month.

One of our neighbors came over right after the workers left and commented on it. We had had a new roof put on last fall and he said, "I wondered after you had the new roof put on if you were going to do something about the porch. Looks good." I guess we can hold our heads up in the neighborhood again now.

While Ray and son were working outside, my husband was working in the kitchen. He's been putting in drywall, plastering the ceiling where there had been a repeated leak over the years, and preparing to paint the room before installing cabinets and appliances. Hard work! So when our son, Jon, invited us over for some steaks cooked on the barbie we jumped at the chance.
David relaxed in his own way:

And I proceeded to relax in mine, on my daughter-in-law's new hammock:

So far it's been a very good weekend!

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